Simplicity 7086

Since I moved over here to Blogger a month ago, I've discovered that there are many, many, MANY other sewers out here on the net and I've spent more than a few hours browsing their blogsites. I joined the Creative Fashion Sewing ring in June -- I had no idea it would be such a source of inspiration and knowledge! I've been "lurking" on the ring for a month now, but have been too intimidated to comment yet.
I don't really think of myself as a "fashionista" . . . I just want some clothes that fit me properly in colors and styles that I like. Most of my sewing in recent years has been home decor or craft sewing; but since I got my new sewing machine and serger, I really wanted to try to make more garments. I'd say I'm an advanced beginner . . . I know how to read a pattern, make minor adjustments and sew the various pieces together. It's the finer points of fit and style that I need to practice.
So, inspired by all those creative sewing blogs and websites, I decided I wanted to make a blouse. I took a few pattern alterations classes earlier this year where we learned to make adjustments to simple skirts, cardigan jackets and pants. After attending those classes, I made a jean jacket (McCall's M5191) in tan corduroy; since I made alterations to that pattern successfully, I felt like I could try a blouse next. And besides, I haven't been able to find any new blouses this summer at the mall.
JoAnn Fabrics was about to have a $1.99 sale on Simplicity patterns, so I searched that website first and found Simplicity pattern 7086 - a basic blouse with 6 variations. It looks just like one of my favorite ready-to-wear blouses. I recently discovered, so I headed over there to read the reviews and they were all favorable. On the day of the sale, I stopped in at my local JoAnn's in Ramsey and purchased the package with sizes 14-20; based on my measurements, I thought I would be a 14.
The most important lesson I learned in the pattern alteration classes is to do a muslin version of a garment before cutting the "good" fabric. I took home my pattern and got started on a muslin right away. But right from the start I had "issues" . . . I had neglected to read the back of the pattern envelope where it showed the garment's "finished" sizes and as it turned out there was 5-7" of ease in both the bust and waist . . . much too much for me. As a result, I reduced the bust and waist by 2", but then the shoulders were wrong, so I shortened them and then the darts were out of alignment. It was very frustrating . . . it fit, but it still didn't look right.
Finally, I decided what I really needed to do was to buy the pattern in a smaller size and start over. The $1.99 sale was over, but I was able to use a store coupon to buy the 2nd copy of the pattern. I started a new muslin in a size 12 and the fit is MUCH better. I needed to increase a little bit below the waist (where I really do need the size 14) and take in a little in the shoulders (where I'm closer to a size 10). I don't really feel that the first pass was a wasted effort . . . I did get to practice sewing a collar and facing and that part turned out rather well.

Later in the week I was browsing through the bargain and clearance fabrics and found this seersucker plaid and thought it might be an inexpensive option for my first attempt at a "real" blouse. It was $4.96/yd and I used a 40% off coupon to buy 4 yards. I know -- it's plaid . . . but I really like the colors. I'll do my best to match it all up properly, but if it doesn't turn out perfect, that's okay. If it fits properly, at least I will have completed one blouse (and I'll consider it a "wearable muslin"). Then I can go and buy some more expensive fabric to make the next one. Maybe in orange with blue buttons to wear to the Mets games. (Just kidding)
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