Shortcut to My Westie Links

Here on my SewAmazin blog I keep lists of sewing, quilting, embroidery and other crafty links with a Westie theme (updated from time to time):

Completed projects made with a Westie theme or handmade items for my Westies are posted on SewAmazin, too. 

Find my blog posts with Westie projects by topic:

My other blog, Keli's Korner~The Westie & The Wauzer, is all about Keli and Penny, my two terriers. That's where we post about their adventures. That's also where I'll share photos and stories of my Westie "collections" -- our Christmas ornaments and other figurines, prints, non-sewing related crafts, etc.

As you can imagine, there will be a lot of overlapping between both blogs; anything sewing related will always be posted in SewAmazin and anything Westie-related will always appear in Keli's Korner.

Updated July-7-2020


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