Last year we celebrated
Keli's 10th and
Penny's 5th birthdays..... this July, it's
*my* turn for one of those milestone birthdays and we're planning a month long celebration.

For starters, we'll be donating an extra 5% of July's sales to our rescue and other charities. And each week I'll have a new 'gift' to share - a coupon or two, a BOGO and a Giveaway!
Details will be sent to my newsletter subscribers first, so be sure to join my mailing list or update your subscription preferences to include Special Notices to ensure you receive each week's discount or freebie.
We're kicking off the month by participating in a Handmade Online Shop Hop taking place July 5-7, hosted by Smokey Mountain Accessories (previously known as Melissa's HandyCrafts). See my Shop Hop blog post for a sample of items available from the participating shops and a coupon code to use in my shops. If you're on Twitter, you can also follow #OnlineShopHop for updates.
Nov-16-2018 Replace SewAmazin Flickr photos, upload to Blogger; edit old links
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